
This policy is valid as of February 8, 2015.

Terms of Use

Reading voyageusedumonde.wordpress.com is of your own free will. However, I hope that you choose to read it and you can find it interesting, useful, or amusing.

I have the right to change these Terms and Conditions as I wish.

Copyright Policy

Unless otherwise noted, I, Christina Thompson from Voyageuse du Monde, am the legal copyright holder of all media (written, multimedia, and graphic) on this blog and it may not be used, reprinted, modified, or published without my consent.

Hold Harmless

This blog, voyageusedumonde.wordpress.com, is simply for entertainment and everything expressed on here is my opinions.

I am not providing any medical, legal, or professional advice. The information you take from this  blog is taken at your on risk.

Reserve Rights

I, Christina Thompson from Voyageuse du Monde reserve the right to change the focus of this blog, shut this blog down, or change the platform of this blog. I also reserve the right to change the terms of use for this blog.

I reserve the right to edit or delete comments on voyageusedumonde.wordpress.com.


I am not responsible for the advertisements that may appear with this blog. WordPress.com warns me that viewers may see an advertisement while visiting a page or post.

This disclaimer was written using the guidelines outlined by The Travel Tester in the article How To Write A Disclaimer.

Thank for visiting voyageusedumonde.wordpress.com! I hope you enjoy it.

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